+45 49 12 75 00 info@logstrup.dk

Cable Section

Logstrup high-quality base frame wheels


The modularity of the Logstrup Modular System continues in our cable sections. The cableways can be designed to fit the number of cables and their sizes in the assembled Logstrup switchboard.

Standard widths

Standard widths are 450mm, 640mm, and 830mm. A cableway can run horizontally throughout the whole length of the board, at the top and bottom, as well as vertically beside each functional unit section.

high-quality base frame for a Logstrup electrical switchboard
Logstrup electrical switchboards with a high-quality baseframe with a lifting eye

A complete island

This provides a complete island around each functional unit section and allows inter-wiring between various units and back to PLC sections with ease.

What to expect

Available with internal separation from Form 1 to Form 4B for an arc fault protection for safety for personnel and operational reliability

Strong and customisable switchgear suitable for all high demanding markets on – and offshore

Fully compliant with IEC 61439-1/2 and multiple international standards